2024 Communicator of the Year
Last year was the first year for the CHESPRA School Communicator of the Year (CSCOY) Award, which was awarded to Prince William County Schools Director of Communications Diana Gulotta. The CHESPRA School Communicator of the Year will then be nominated for the NSPRA National School Communicator of the Year Award.
This award is designed to recognize the outstanding leadership and contributions of active, front-line school communicators who work full-time in school districts or education service agencies. It is not designed to be a recognition of service at retirement. Current members of the NSPRA executive board are ineligible to receive this award.
Each CSCOY entry costs $30.
The deadline for all submissions is Fri, Jan. 31, 2025.
For additional information or questions about the CHESPRA School Communicator of the Year Award, please contact CHESPRA VP of Awards & Recognition Daryl Johnson at daryl.johnson@acps.k12.va.us.
Submit all entries by visiting the following link: https://www.nspra.org/award-apply#CHESPRA
Eligibility Criteria
Each candidate for the School Communicator of the Year Award will be evaluated on the following four judging areas:
- Leadership: Demonstrated leadership in successfully meeting the communication needs of their school system or educational service agency. Examples may include leading successful communication campaigns, overcoming an internal communication challenge or creating a robust strategic communication plan.
- Communication: Demonstrated strength in both personal and organizational communication. Examples may include evidence of persuasion, the power of engagement or influence in decision-making.
- Professionalism: Constant improvement of knowledge and skills, while providing professional development opportunities and mentoring to others. Examples may include achieving accreditation in public relations (APR), participating in NSPRA’s Mentor Match program or serving as a speaker at the chapter or national level.
- Community Involvement: Active participation in their local community activities and an understanding of regional, national and international issues. Examples may include volunteering in their local community, organizing a fund-raising event for their community or writing an article that demonstrates broad knowledge of the complexities of public education.
All activities or accomplishments must have taken place within the previous five years. Additionally, the nominee must have the ability and skills necessary to represent school communications in a professional manner, including but not limited to high-quality written communication and public speaking skills. The nominee should maintain the highest standards of personal conduct and recognize that their personal conduct is held up to public scrutiny. The nominee must have been a CHESPRA member for a minimum of five consecutive years and have attended at least one CHESPRA conference each year for the past three years.
Submission Materials
- Biographical Sketch: Name of nominee, title, organization, years in school PR, and a maximum of five paragraphs providing an overview and highlights of their career and current role.
- Two Letters of Support: A minimum of two letters of support outlining why the nominee is deserving of the award, with reference to the eligibility criteria and examples of how the nominee maintains the highest standards of personal conduct and serves as an exemplar in the field of school communications.
- Additional Materials: Up to five pages of additional materials, which may include work samples and evaluations/awards.
The deadline for all submissions is Fri, Jan. 31, 2025.