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Standing with Harford County in the Wake of Tragedy

Standing with Harford County in the Wake of Tragedy
Andrew Robinson


Dear CHESPRA Family,

We are heartbroken by the tragic events that occurred yesterday at Joppatowne High School in Harford County, Maryland. This senseless act of violence has shaken the entire community, and our thoughts are with the students, families and staff affected.

As school communicators, we are often called upon during the darkest moments to offer calm, clarity and comfort. In response, I reached out to the Harford Public Schools communications department to offer CHESPRA’s full support. I will reach out to chapter members if assistance is requested.

Please take a moment to review these important resources to help guide your response in moments of crisis:

There is no room for gun violence in our schools. We must all remain steadfast in our commitment to fostering safe, supportive environments where students and staff can learn and work without fear.


Andrew P. Robinson
CHESPRA President

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